Category: Technique

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Tips ‘n’ Tails for Climbing Skins

Tip and tail kits on the other hand, are consistent in their performance over time and varying snow conditions regardless of the plush or glue. They make attaching and removing climbing skins easier.

Testing Climbing Skins

There are lots of pieces of specialized gear that are nice to have and can enhance your time adventure skiing. Climbing skins enhance the experience so dramatically that they are practically essential for backcountry skiing.

The Need for Knee Pads

Make no mistake about it, if you telemark, it’s not a matter of if, but when you will need a pair of knee pads to save your precious knees. You can make all the excuses you want about how your stance is tall and you never ski low so your knees aren’t at risk but …

Keep making backcountry turns

Converting Elevations in Your Head

  Don’t you hate it when you’re looking at a topo map, or reading an article, and the elevations are in the wrong units? That would be meters if you’re an American, and feet for everyone else. We all know that the difference is roughly a factor of three, but it truly is a rough …

Keep making backcountry turns

Drying Boot Liners

Drying your ski boots out after a day of sweating in them is easily achieved in a variety of ways. Here’s a couple of simple tricks for when you’re away from the conveniences you may have at home like a dedicated set of forced air dryers, a space heater, or the shelf above a pot …

Keep making backcountry turns

Ten-11, day 3

Took another solo tour on Sunday that started as trip to the pool for a workout. As soon as I turned onto the freeway my eyes saw the crest of the Sierra around Anderson Peak. There had been fresh snow up high and the sight beckoned like it always does when the sky is blue …

Keep making backcountry turns

The Human Snow Conveyor

A strategy for shoveling snow with measurable improvement. Practicing how to locate a buried victim with an avalanche beacon has become common protocol in avalanche courses, and to a lesser extent, by private parties. However, in the case of a real rescue, locating victims can be accomplished relatively quickly (assuming everyone in the group is …

Keep making backcountry turns