Category: Technique

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Testimonial: Aetrex Footbeds

Like skinning, today’s run was a pleasant reminder of how much I love trail running. It’s a big part of why I’m rather inclined to like the earning part of backcountry skiing, for that steady state aerobically induced runners high. There was a time, not so far back, when both activities were in jeopardy. I …

Keep making backcountry turns

Skin Track Angles – A Classic Debate

It’s been quite awhile since first publishing the classic debate on what is the best angle of attack to take when skinning up a mountain. A lot of that comes down to terrain and personal preferences, but everyone I know tends to prefer either a low or high angle skin track. The basic tenets of …

Keep making backcountry turns

Skinning: Keeper Steeper

Might I be so bold as to suggest that the esteemed skier from Truckee, Mr. Dostie, is suffering from a cranial/rectal impaction when it comes to appreciating the fine art of steep skinning? Not only is steep skinning faster and more efficient, it is The Way. The Chosen Path. The Trail to Enlightenment as well …

Keep making backcountry turns

Skinning: Tracks of the Tortoise

Taking the low road has several advantages. It is unquestionably more efficient…is consistently safer, arguably more aesthetic and, for those still intent on a challenge, is more difficult to achieve with purity…

Kiteboarding 101: Not sailing – FLYING!

If windsurfing is like sailing, then kiteboarding is like flying. Who can say they’ve never shared the dreams of Iccarus? To be sure, it isn’t really flying, but after finally taking lessons from Bruce Sheldon I found out in short order, the similarity is more true than not. As a die-hard skier, windsurfing became my …

Keep making backcountry turns

Quack: Making sunglasses with Duct Tape

You probably thought I meant, repairing sunglasses with duct tape when you read the headline, but you assumed something not stated. I really meant making a pair of sunglasses with duct tape. How do you make sunglasses with duct tape? First, you need to get to the root of the purpose of sunglasses, especially on …

Keep making backcountry turns

Semi-Lite lessons from the Sierra High Route

It’s been just over a week now since skiing the Sierra High Route. Unlike my previous attempt two years ago, this time we skied all the way across. Two years ago I started out with ASI’s Geoff Clarke, Nick Washburn, and Nori Hamaguchi. We made it to the beginning of Deadman Canyon before hitting the …

Keep making backcountry turns