January 2012 archive

To Sulk or to Skate? W’ither it be?

…smooth as glass for thousands of yards in the long direction and 300 yards wide along the narrows. The cracks were long, thin and young so they weren’t deep enough yet to grab your blades. And the ice was growing and cracking from the expansion and it sounded like a pod of ice whales, singing to each other to the rhythm of the cracks.

Review: Black Diamond Aspect Ski

For the turn happy skier Black Diamond’s Aspect ski makes an easy first impression. There’s a lot of shape compared to many of today’s moderately curved skis as evidenced by a wide 126 mm at the shovel, but only 90mm at the waist. Whether it’s delicious powder, velvety corn, even soft chunder and day-old funk …

Keep making backcountry turns