Category: People

Persons of note

Profile: Steve Barnett – Telemark Prophet

We’re in the middle of talking skis and tele and tours and gear and the state of the art back in the day compared to now when Steve unequivocally declares, shifting his voice for emphasis, “I’m not kidding, that’s probably the best backcountry ski ever!”    Steve Barnett should know. He’s been telemark skiing since …

Keep making backcountry turns

The Religion of Weather

For a skier, watching the weather and waiting for great gobs of precipitation exacts the faith of a farmer.  I don’t know that I’ve ever met a skiing atheist.  Everyone seems to have his or her own prayers and promises and sky-gazed mutterings that are supposed to bring on the clouds. It’s as timeless as …

Keep making backcountry turns

Author: Peter Kray

Before the next post goes out, let me introduce Peter Kray. There are a lot of writers in the world, especially on the web, who can only dream of words spilling out of our brains onto paper the way Peter Kray weaves a story with a view. When he first introduced himself on the phone, …

Keep making backcountry turns

Turns with Pepper John

I don’t remember how I got in to a conversation with Pepper John. That isn’t really his name. I never found out what his last name was, but John was his first name. He happened to be at The Back Country shop in Truckee at the same time when I dropped by to meet my …

Keep making backcountry turns

Review: A Life Ascending

Everybody knows that ski movies are to skiing what porn is to sex; visually stimulating, but nothing compared to the real thing. It’s why I tend to avoid them both. Why bother when the real thing is so infinitely superior? When it comes to movies I want more than a tickling of my visual cortex, …

Keep making backcountry turns

California TRs from The Back Country

A few of you have noticed that I’m starting to make a bit of progress with filling this site out with content related to backcountry skiing. To that end, I’d like to start compiling a listing of great sites that post good trip reports. There are a ton of them out there so if you …

Keep making backcountry turns

Tribute to Paul Ramer

© 2000 While there are many people who have contributed to the growth of ski mountaineering in America, few were more instrumental than Paul Ramer. It was his vision, more than any other single man’s which accurately defined, perhaps prophesied, the current landscape of the sport. Some of you reading this became aware of backcountry …

Keep making backcountry turns