Category: Fat Skis

Skis with a waist width ~ 105mm +/- 5mm

BC Ski Review: Dynafit Stoke

Dynafit Stoke backcountry ski for alpine touring

  There’s a couple of things you can tell about the Stoke right off the bat. With a 105mm waist (174 cm length) it was clearly built for the North American backcountry market where obesity has become hip, or at least popular unless you consider epidemics to be the result of choice. Yet for a …

Keep making backcountry turns

Hand-rolled, Mean Green Fat Skis

It only took about 18 years but the light bulb finally went off for me about boutique skis. What did it was riding another pair of planks that, by outward evidence, were merely another pair of custom made skis that were undeniably beautiful to behold, but couldn’t possibly ski that well.

Keep making backcountry turns

First Look: H2OG’s Karen’cito, Kodiak & Tazlina

Understanding the flow of snow is what inspired Cummings to develop his own ski brand. Many of his clients come to fly with Dean in his heli guiding operation and he sees what they need. Fatter skis. No, even fatter ones.

Press Release: Altai Skis – The Hok

The fat ski revolution is expanding yet again only this time the goal is to add more customers to the pie, not necessarily increase the width of the ski. Altai Skis was founded last April with the development of the Hok. It is a short fat ski with a patch of climbing skin permanently mounted …

Keep making backcountry turns