Category: Couloir

Reruns of articles first published in Couloir magazine.

Skinning: Tracks of the Tortoise

Taking the low road has several advantages. It is unquestionably more efficient…is consistently safer, arguably more aesthetic and, for those still intent on a challenge, is more difficult to achieve with purity…

Mt. Shasta – the Masta’

Perhaps the most common reprimand that I hear comes from Shasta county locals fearing we’ll make Mt. Shasta more popular than it is. The thought that a little rag like this could have that much influence is flattering but absurd. Instead, I have a theory that the flaming cross on my front lawn carries deeper …

Keep making backcountry turns

The Giant’s Steps Couloir – Mt. Williamson

Standing 14,375 feet tall, Mount Williamson appears to be the highest peak and is the biggest massif visible from California State Highway 395. (Mount Whitney which sits a few miles south of Williamson is the highest peak in the lower forty-eight, but it is among the second tier of peaks farther from the road, and …

Keep making backcountry turns

Rottefella’s NTN Binding, Beta Version ’07

Beta Version Review Reprinted from Couloir Vol. XIX-5, March 2007 by Craig Dostie The long awaited NTN (New Telemark Norm) binding from Rottefella has arrived. And how! Is it the Holy Grail of telemark bindings? If Holy means perfect, then no. But if it means you will feel more righteous while genuflecting through your tele …

Keep making backcountry turns

Tribute to Paul Ramer

© 2000 While there are many people who have contributed to the growth of ski mountaineering in America, few were more instrumental than Paul Ramer. It was his vision, more than any other single man’s which accurately defined, perhaps prophesied, the current landscape of the sport. Some of you reading this became aware of backcountry …

Keep making backcountry turns