C Dostie

Author's posts

Under Appreciated Moves

As our economy has contracted, I’ve begun to eliminate all the extra stuff that I had unconsciously been holding onto in the delusional belief that more stuff was evidence of prosperity or some other such rot. When I realized I’d spent over eight-thousand dollars to store a bunch of stuff that could’ve been replaced for …

Keep making backcountry turns

Tribute to Paul Ramer

© 2000 While there are many people who have contributed to the growth of ski mountaineering in America, few were more instrumental than Paul Ramer. It was his vision, more than any other single man’s which accurately defined, perhaps prophesied, the current landscape of the sport. Some of you reading this became aware of backcountry …

Keep making backcountry turns

Sunscreens not so hot?

Since everyone who plays in the outdoors is exposed to the sun nearly everyone uses some sort of sunscreen. There are tons of options available, but which ones really work? You can tell by how much you burn, or tan, or don’t after using them. At least, you can tell what the short term effects …

Keep making backcountry turns

Inching forward.

No doubt some of you are moaning “Oh No!” right now. ’tis true, Dostie is taking the muzzle off and returning to fling words around that others won’t pay to publish. Perhaps with good reason. 😉 For reasons that should be evident whenever you lift your head up to drink the free air, the ability …

Keep making backcountry turns