
Tahoe snow miners strike gold


A nice break in the weather scheduled for Dec. 3rd in the northern Sierra Nevada.

This season has taken longer to engage than I would like, but when does winter ever start on time? More specifically, what is on time? In my dreams it would kick in mid-October, as soon as the wood was done, and it did, but the wood wasn’t done. Nor did it last. With luck early season storms are harbingers of more to come.

I have no illusions of winter being held at bay on my behalf while I finished upgrading the woodshed this season, because I only just finished it this evening as the wet began to fall from the skies. From a dry wood perspective, it was rather convenient. It was just a hint of snow, but within an hour water was dripping off the roof. It wasn’t a minute too soon and even if I might, who am I to scold the weather for being late?

That’s the good news for Tahoe today. Snow is in the forecast, and even though it isn’t the highly coveted 3-foot coat of Sierra Spackle, it will be enough to break out the skis and get in a little skinnin’ action plus a few carefully placed turns because the forecast calls for four to ten inches by Wednesday morning. I’m betting lunch on it.

The 3-6 day window looks like a good second blast on the heels of an admittedly wimpy opening volley.

To be certain, it will be with a pair of rock skis, but worth it nonetheless. The ten inches doesn’t have me too excited. By itself it’ll be a here and gone dusting unless something else comes quick on it’s heels. THAT’s what has me excited. There’s a better looking, fuller figured storm coming in, cross your fingers, on Friday.

Even that won’t cover a lot of the rocks and sticks and stumps, but with a little experience on some known slopes, lightly manicured in the summer to remove the more onerous bits of slag and make early season turns that much more achievable. It isn’t exactly safe conditions, but if you don’t fall in any wrong places you can get away with it.

Getting out skinning for early season turns isn’t about bravado, it’s about getting back unhurt. Here’s to an upright stance and knee-pads just in case.

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