When people get passionate about something you can take all the numbers that say it can never happen and simply trash ’em. The latest example is the first ever Inter Tele & Tele Academy for PSIA instructors and instructors from around the world. It will be held April, 17-21, 2013 at Snowbird, Utah.
Two years ago the PSIA Nordic ski team hosted the first ever Telemark Academy at A-Basin resort to share ideas and techniques on teaching telemark skiing. An alpine oriented instructor academy had been offered for years with a few optional seminars on tele technique thrown in to pacify the free heel faithful. When asked if a separate telemark only academy could be established the pinners were told there wouldn’t be enough interest.
Click HERE for the complete info package (pdf).
During the quadrennial InterSki event in St. Anton, Austria in January, 2011 Tele instructors from 22 nations attended, including the USA. Based on the level of interest shown within PSIA-International, Scott McGee, arranged to host an InterTele/Tele Academy at Snowbird this coming April.
The event will be open to telemark instructors from all nations to share ideas on the latest in equipment, techniques and teaching. The PSIA Nordic Team and other experts in the field will be leading multi-day clinics as part of the Tele Academy. For those interested in making an indoor or on-snow presentation contact the PSIA organizing committee at Intertele2013-(at)-gmail-dot-com.
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